Washington County:
“Some landowners whose properties lie in the proposed
natural gas drilling overlay zone in Washington County have banded together to
voice their concerns over the practice and ask the county to slow down and look
at potential effects. ‘A lot of people don’t even realize this drilling is
going to take place,’ said Jimmy Hobbs, who lives in the zone, which is north
of Bristol in an area designated for agriculture south of the North Fork of the
Holston River, and includes much of Rich Valley Road. ‘Our concern is not about
the money so much; it’s about saving our way of life.’…
For nearly a year, the Washington County Planning Commission
has been reviewing a draft ordinance that would define the area that can be
drilled and set forth environmental and land use precautions to protect
landowners, the land and citizens. Currently, drilling isn’t prohibited, but
there have been no active wells for decades. In recent months, however, there’s
been renewed interest.”
~Writes Allie Robinson Gibson of the Bristol Herald Courier
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