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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Virginia Issues State Solid Waste Report for 2013

“The Department of Environmental Quality released its annual report on solid waste management in Virginia. The report includes the amounts of solid waste managed in Virginia in 2013, and the amounts and sources of solid waste generated outside the Commonwealth.

The total amount of solid waste received at Virginia facilities during 2013 decreased by about 80,000 tons (0.4 percent) from 2012. Solid waste includes municipal solid waste, construction and demolition debris, vegetative and yard waste, and other types of waste. The total amount of solid waste from outside Virginia decreased by about 162,000 tons (3 percent), to 5.2 million tons. The total amount from within Virginia increased to about 15 million tons (0.6 percent).”
~Writes the TJPDC

Click here for a copy of the full report

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