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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Town of Christiansburg Receives Grants for Stormwater Projects

Town of Christiansburg
“The Commonwealth of Virginia has awarded the Town of Christiansburg $631,000 in grant money from the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund.  The Stormwater Local Assistance Fund is managed by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and was established to make $35 million available in matching grant funds to local governments for best management practices that reduce pollution from stormwater runoff.

The Town is one of 31 localities to receive grant funds. Four grants were awarded to the Town for three projects; the Diamond Hills Stream Restoration Project, the Depot Street Drainage Basin Stream Restoration Project and the Christiansburg Industrial Park Basin Conversion Project.”
~Writes NRVNews

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Monday, December 23, 2013

State Grant Funds to Support County Initiatives on Wetlands

Fairfax County
“The Fairfax County government has received four grants totaling nearly $2.2 million from the state government to support wetlands improvements. Grants will include $630,500 for restoration of the Pohick Creek tributary; $510,000 for restoration of Rabbit Branch; $625,000 for restoration of a Banks Property stream; and $423,000 for restoration of the South Lakes High School outfall stream. The grants were among 71 awarded to 31 Virginia localities through the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund, totaling $22.9 million.”
~Writes the Sun Gazette

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ix Owners Working to Uncover Hidden Waterway

City of Charlottesville
“The owners of the Ix property in Charlottesville are moving forward with plans to unearth a hidden waterway. The creek was buried many years ago to make way for streets and other development. Daylighting the creek is all part of the property owner's plan for a creative space that draws people together.”
~Reports NBC29

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Roanoke County awarded grant to assist storm water projects

Roanoke County
“Roanoke County has been awarded $753,550 in grant money under the state Stormwater Local Assistance Fund to assist in meeting water quality standards set by the federal government. The money is managed by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, which makes $35 million available in matching grants to aid local governments.

The county will use the funds on two projects: Glade Creek stream restoration at Vineyard Park and stream restoration at Murray Run and Ogden Road. The projects aim to reduce phosphorus levels in storm water. The town of Christiansburg and the city of Lexington also will receive grants. Lexington will receive $225,000 and Christiansburg $631,000 for various projects.”
~Writes Chase Purdy of The Roanoke Times

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Town Council approves request for EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant, adopts resolution for Lewis Gale Hospital

Town of Pulaski
“Tuesday night’s Pulaski Town Council meeting started off with a request from John White on behalf of the Economic Development Board to endorse the submission of a Brownfield Assessment Grant for 2014. This is the board’s second attempt at requesting permission for the grant, after their initial request was turned down last year. The council moved to endorse this year’s request following White’s presentation.

White pointed out two particular aspects that the grant emphasizes – one being the revitalization of downtown areas, the other being an expressed concern for people with chronic illnesses. The $200,000 grant would allow for environmental assessments throughout Pulaski, and would also fund cleanup and community involvement activities.

White also mentioned that the board would like to reach out to more public and private entities throughout Pulaski to support the proposal.”
~Writes Calvin Pynn of The Southwest Times

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

County will Move Ahead on Stormwater Management

Isle of Wight
“Isle of Wight's Board of Supervisors will go ahead with plans to implement new federal and state stormwater management regulations – but they won't like it. The issue raised the ire of some county residents earlier this year when the Board approved an annual stormwater fee to fund federal and state mandates aimed at curbing pollution and water contamination, effective July 1. For most, the fee will be $72 and will be included with their real estate tax bill.

However, commercial entities will pay based on the amount of ‘impervious area’ on their property – surfaces like asphalt, concrete, rooftops and gravel that contribute to runoff. The county will collect about$1.4 million from the fees, which will help to regulate stormwater runoff and permitting at the local level, as well as actually developing and installing management technologies around the county.”
~Writes Ryan Murphy of the Daily Press

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