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Friday, December 20, 2013

Roanoke County awarded grant to assist storm water projects

Roanoke County
“Roanoke County has been awarded $753,550 in grant money under the state Stormwater Local Assistance Fund to assist in meeting water quality standards set by the federal government. The money is managed by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, which makes $35 million available in matching grants to aid local governments.

The county will use the funds on two projects: Glade Creek stream restoration at Vineyard Park and stream restoration at Murray Run and Ogden Road. The projects aim to reduce phosphorus levels in storm water. The town of Christiansburg and the city of Lexington also will receive grants. Lexington will receive $225,000 and Christiansburg $631,000 for various projects.”
~Writes Chase Purdy of The Roanoke Times

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