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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hanover preps for 15-year stormwater plan

Hanover County:
“As part of a federal, state and local government coordinated effort to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, Hanover County Director of Public Works J. Michael Flagg will oversee a 15-year plan to reduce phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment in stormwater runoff to the bay. The reductions are required by new permit standards for stormwater management for the county. The standards go beyond stormwater system maintenance, which includes keeping the stormwater drainage infrastructure from erosion and enforcing regulations that prevent individuals and businesses from dumping hazardous liquids such as cooking oil into the drainage system.

Flagg said the county plans to restore and repair stream banks to reduce erosion, which increases nutrients and sediments in the runoff. Streams with steep banks increase the speed and volume of the runoff. By making the banks flatter, the county can reduce pollutant flow. Other measures include pond modifications that collect runoff water and hold and treat it in the pond.”
~Writes Cindy Huang of the Richmond Times-Dispatch

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