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Thursday, January 23, 2014

General Assembly to Address Stormwater Management

General Assembly
“More than a dozen bills have been submitted to the 2014 General Assembly that address stormwater management. It is likely that the various House and Senate bills will be lumped into a comprehensive piece of legislation in each chamber that addresses many of the issues raised in the individual bills. The likely vehicles for the revised provisions are HB 261 and SB 423. As introduced, these bills authorize the State Water Control Board to adopt regulations that create a procedure for approving permits for individual parcels in a common plan of development, provide a General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities that omits unneeded information on post-construction water quality standards, and provide reciprocity with other states regarding certification of best management practices. These bills also allow the submission of an agreement in lieu of a permit where land-disturbing activity results from the construction of a single-family residence, but neither provides any delay of the July 1, 2014 requirement for local management of stormwater programs (these final two items are positions taken by the TJPD Legislative Program). Four introduced bills would provide a one year delay in the requirement. Another, HB 1173, allows any locality that does not operate a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to opt out of establishing its own stormwater management program.”

~Writes David Blount of the Thomas Jefferson PDC

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