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Friday, January 31, 2014

Stormwater Management Bills

General Assembly
“As mentioned in the last newsletter, revisions to the state’s stormwater management laws are getting a top billing at the General Assembly. The House Agriculture Committee overwhelmingly has approved a comprehensive measure that incorporates a number of changes proposed by the various bills that were introduced by delegates. The changes are incorporated into HB 1173 and include the following provisions: 
  1. Reciprocity with other states regarding best management practices;
  2. Approval of a program with common plan of development conveys to individual parcels;
  3. Submission of an agreement in lieu of a permit where land-disturbing activity results from the construction of a single-family residence;
  4. Allowance for non-MS4s to opt out of the program and have DEQ manage it; and
  5. An emergency clause, meaning the bill would take effect upon passage and signing by the governor, rather than on July 1.

 The Senate Agriculture Committee will consider its various stormwater bills next Thursday; it is expected that its bill will look similar to the House version, but perhaps provide MS4 localities with greater flexibility to meet water quality standards. The full House will take up its measure early next week.”

~Writes David Blount TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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