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Friday, February 28, 2014

General Assembly Talks Stormwater Local Assistance Fund

General Assembly:
“The House and Senate budget conferees charged with reaching an agreement on a compromise budget for the remainder of FY14 and the next biennium are in place. Both chambers approved their version of the budget a week ago, and on Wednesday, the plans were rejected by the other chamber, setting the stage for senior budget writers to work through the weekend and early next week to attempt to reconcile differences in the spending plans…

The introduced budget authorized $20 million in bonds in FY 16 for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund, which provides 50% matching funds to qualifying local projects that reduce stormwater pollution. The fund was created and seeded with $35 million in bond proceeds last year. The House accelerates the program by authorizing $38 million in bonds in FY15; the Senate authorizes $20 million in FY15.”

~ David Blount, TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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