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Saturday, February 8, 2014

House of Delegates passes storm runoff bill

General Assembly:
“Legislation moving forward in the Virginia General Assembly will allow area counties to opt out of a mandate on monitoring runoff from building sites. The House of Delegates on Wednesday passed a bill that allows most counties across the state to let the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality manage stormwater monitoring for development. The House voted 93-1 in favor of the bill sponsored by Del. M. Keith Hodges, R-Urbanna, which includes several other pieces of related legislation.

Hodges said Wednesday this bill would let smaller, rural counties opt out of a requirement seen as a costly endeavor handed down by the state. ‘That was the initial goal, was to give the localities the relief and remove the unfunded mandate,’ Hodges said.

The counties of Frederick, Shenandoah, Warren and others could ask the DEQ to allow them to opt out of the mandate. Local governments faced a July 1 deadline to implement programs designed to monitor runoff from construction. The Warren County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday adopted a resolution of support for the bill.

An emergency clause included in the bill allows the legislation to take effect as soon as Gov. Terry McAuliff signs it, Hodges explained. The clause lets counties off the hook for meeting DEQ deadlines and allows the state agency to prepare for the transition, Hodges explained.”
~Writes Alex Bridges of Northern Virginia Daily

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