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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hearing set for new stormwater ordinance

Campbell County:
“Campbell County Community Development Director Paul Harvey presented the Board of Supervisors with the draft ordinance and the proposed county fee schedule at its Feb. 4 meeting and asked for permission to advertise the ordinance and hold the public hearing. Supervisors approved the request 7-0.

While there are some bills being considered in the Virginia General Assembly that could affect the stormwater management program, Harvey said it was important to go ahead and hold the public hearing because the county is required to have a local ordinance and fee schedule adopted by May 15 and sent to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the state agency overseeing the program.
He said supervisors are not required to vote on the ordinance on March 4, but holding the public hearing would put the process in motion.

The Virginia Stormwater Management Program is the mandatory permitting process related to construction activity. Effective July 1, the VSMP will be administered by localities along with erosion and sediment control laws.”
~Writes Tina Barbour of the Altavista Journal

Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more about Campbell County's Stormwater Management Program

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